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Heart Healthy Recipes
A Fruity Way to End the Meal
Naval oranges, ripe strawberries, and sliced bananas are served with a yogurt-ginger sauce.
Amish Potatoes with Lima Beans
Cubed potatoes are sautéed with onions and lima beans and seasoned with parsley and paprika.
Apple Carrot Salad
Perfect combination of fall flavors.
Apple Coffee Cake
This cake gets its moistness from the apples and raisins, so it needs little oil.
Barley Pilaf
This is a lovely side dish for chicken or fish.
Beet-All Pasta Salad
Mix pasta, spinach, beets, onion and walnuts in a salad bowl. Combine maple syrup, vinegar, and olive oil in a small jar and shake well. Pour over salad. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate until you're ready to eat.
Blueberry Banana Smoothie
Bananas that are getting past ripe work perfectly in smoothies. Peel them, wrap them in plastic, and freeze them.
Blue-Green Canapés
Healthy appetizers for you and your guests.
Broiled Trout with Almonds
This trout recipe uses lemon pepper, almonds, and lemon wedges for flavoring.
Brussels Sprouts with Mushroom Sauce
A perfect dressing for a perfect party vegetable.
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